Приказивање постова са ознаком stela kovac. Прикажи све постове
Приказивање постова са ознаком stela kovac. Прикажи све постове

четвртак, 16. фебруар 2023.

The Apple. The Sun

It has been quite long since fire became
a flaming commercial word:
A name for a fate, for a man, for silhouettes,
for an apple,
for the sun.

We sustain ourselves on imposed past
and vary one and the same image,
one and the same experience
Expirience of a colour, of a dream, of depth...
of a Night;

Expirience of one night,
of one self,
of warmth.

Djordje Brujic
(Превод: Стела Ковач)


At the intersection of the main street and the only side street, 
At the knot of two opposite directions leading to the same destination,
Anatomy tied us to our dreams as if to an open door 
Or to an opening in the wire fence, one that you do not know if it is 
for your entering or exiting the world 
At the spot of the brisk cut, 
At the age when our ideas did not go further than anarchism, 
In the dusk under the ochre of the sycamore, 
Out of us white waters flew out – the ripples of which circled round the hole
Clamour flooded in like a song of the ripen crops that wave us off with yellowness
A day is franker at dusk. Roads are wider
When approaching the depth woven out of transience;
Closed mouth is a grave secured in stone
From which the unsaid flows out like mist
That forms the vision of suspense hovering over the river of people 
Djordje Brujic  
(Translated by Stela Kovac)